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There are approximately 36 million unemployed Americans (35.6% come from Black or Brown communities).

The people who were last to recover from the Great Recession, are among the earliest economic casualties of this pandemic.  It is a great time for us to UNITE and take this opportunity to spread knowledge and resources as much as possible. 

Our Immediate focus is Specifically: 

providing mask KITS to families & foster children that don't have access otherwise; COVID-19 fact sheet(comprehension for children & teens); identify and assist in the qualification process of resources available to help those in need; provide basic necessities(such as food; toilet paper, disinfectant, etc.); provide masks for front line workers that are not provided with the proper protection to WORK FOR US, while remaining SAFE themselves and their FAMILIES.

While grasping the new way of life, we are researching the best tools & partnerships to help facilitate the path back to normalcy which we will utilized to pave the way to healing from this pandemic.  And possibly some will come out of this with a better opportunity, more knowledge and prepared to move UP. 

Our partners in this initiative: 

Brave Gowns

Operation Hope

Let's Give